Revan (revan_1) wrote in debatepolitics,

Who controls the Media.

Who Controls Hollywood?
Of the sixty(60) senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies, fifty(50) are self acclaimed Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major Hollywood studios, trade unions, and talent agencies by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent).
Who Controls Television?
Of the sixty-four(64) senior executives of the major television broadcast networks, cable networks, and production companies, fifty-seven(57) are self acclaimed Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 89%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major television broadcast networks, cable networks, and production companies by a factor of 44.5 times(4,450 percent).
Who Controls Music?
Of the fifty(50) senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations, thirty-nine(39) are self acclaimed Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major music labels and trade organizations by a factor of 39 times(3,900 percent).
Who Controls Radio?
Of the forty-six(46) senior executives of the major radio broadcast networks and station owners, twenty-eight(28) are self acclaimed Jews. This is a numerical representation of 61%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major radio broadcast networks and station owners by a factor of 30.5 times(3,050 percent).
Who Controls Advertising?
Of the forty-six(46) senior executives of the major advertising corporations and trade associations, thirty-one(31) are self acclaimed Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major advertising corporations and trade associations by a factor of 33.5 times(3,350 percent).
Who Controls the News? (Part 1)
Of the sixty-seven(67) senior executives of the major television and radio news networks, forty-seven(47) are self acclaimed Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 70%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major television and radio news networks by a factor of 35 times(3,500 percent).
Who Controls the News? (Part 2)
Of the sixty-five(65) senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines, forty-two(42) are self acclaimed Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 65%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major newspapers and news magazines by a factor of 32.5 times(3,250 percent).
Tags: 18+, censorship, internet, media, zionism

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